Wednesday, June 20, 2007

HE GONE!!!!!

ESPN's Buster Olney is reporting that Michael Barrett has been traded to the San Diego Fathers.

I see this as good news and proof positive the Cubs are committed to winning this season. Taking it a step further, it shows the Cubs are even willing to take DRASTIC mid-season measures to try and turn this team around.

The pulse is faint, but it's a pulse nonetheless. Nice.

I'm not sure what is better, knowing I'm done watching Mikey single handedly lose games or knowing that the Cubs are actively trying to win their division. Either way I think today is a good day at Clark and Addison. I just hope Sammy doesn't ruin it with a home run tonight.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


We realize that blogging is a 24/7/365 gig, but unfortunately our lack of posts will continue for one more week. We apologize for the inconvenience but we promise when we do come back this page will be better than ever.