Not only is Captain Kirk in Wade’s attic, how about James “Not Quite Willie” Posey? Willie, I mean James (wait are you sure they aren't the same person) Posey once tried to de-shoulder the above mentioned ‘Too Pretty from Sioux City’ in a playoff game last year. Like Marty McSorley once enforced the ice for the Great One, James Posey thinks he is ‘the Law’ of the hardwood (and apparently of the roads). Opening night this season, a rematch against the Heaters, a Bulls ass kicking by the way, Posey thought that it was his duty to welcome Tyrus Thomas to the NBA, Geraldo style. Tyrus was back within a week and has improved beyond most’s expectations. In the mean time, Posey still stinks and he may or may not be playing much in this series due to a recent wrist injury. Tyrussaurus must be salivating at the opportunity to get revenge with a different kind of facial than what Posey so cowardly chose.
And to the people out there choosing the Shaq matchup to be the end-all be-all of the series, shut up. Shaq will get his Kazaam on, sure, but can Miami take the Heat? The first time Hinrich and Wade get tangled up and Flash gets knocked to the floor courtesy of a Chapu brick wall pick, the pendulum will surely swing towards Lake Michigan.
Other featured matchups:
Skiles vs Riles: Pat Riley may have the Hollywood good looks, slicked back hair, and championship rings, but no nonsense Indiana-bred Scott Skiles has 30 assists to his resume and one of the greatest quotes used since humans could talk: "If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question ... wait a minute, I do have a dollar for every time I've been asked that question." You get the point.
Edge: Skiles by a country miles.
The Fro vs. The Diesel: The only player to shoot free throws worse than the Big Baryshnikov is ‘The Body’ Ben Wallace. Scott Skiles doesn’t care so I don’t care.
Edge: Big Ben
All and all Chicago fans, this will be must see TV from home or at the UC. From Gordon floaters, to Tyrus badonka-dunks, Thabo wabos, and free Big Macs. Both teams are different from a year ago, Miami a bit older and the Bulls a bit colder.
Now seriously folks, four games in Chicago should be enough, the Heat are beat up pretty good now, and the Bulls have the depth. The difference this time around will be mental toughness. No one in the East is more mentally tough than the crew devised by Johnny Pax.

Duhon hitting some wide open j's would be nice too.
Edge: Da Bool in 6
No love for Grif? check out wade's crib.
I would pay several earth units to see Geraldo wield a machine gun.
pierce doesn't think we're funny.
In other news, Pierce has seen "Wild Hogs" three times.
he looks like the villain from the first harry potter movie in that picture.
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